Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jail N' Bail

Southern Connecticut State University held their 8th annual Jail N' Bail event on April 23, 2014. The Fraternity Beta Mu Sigma and Southern police hold this event in the academic quad for people to see as they pass by on their way to and from class. This event is to help raise money for the Special Olympics.

Police officers don't just go searching for the people who have warrants, they have helped make this whole event possible every year.  They call other police stations to come help out as well as Southern's finest.  They help run this event as well at the fraternity. Warrants for people's arrest are only $5. Students could purchase the warrants from a Beta brother, from the Southern police station, or even from the office of Student Life, said Mike Sampson, a member of Beta Mu Sigma

Jail N' Bail
photo credit: Jenna Wilson
Student at SCSU
Students lined up to put their friends, and even teachers in jail. "By the end of the day we raised a little more than $8,000," said Sampson.

In the past years,  this event has won awards, which include the largest charitable donation award. It started in 2007 and has been going on ever since.  It has been a big hit with the students, faculty, and police officers.  It is not only for a good cause, it is fun.

"I love going to this event every year.  It is fun to watch people ask for donations while locked up in jail.  I love to take pictures of the people's reactions. Everybody is a good sport.  I mean, what is a better excuse for missing class? It is for a good cause," said Jenna Wilson, a student at Southern who stopped by the event after class to take some pictures of the event.

The cold weather didn't stop this event from being successful.  As the day went on the jail started to fill.  The air may have been cold, but the smiles on everyone's face made the event worth while.

"People were yelling as I walked by on my way to class," Said Patrick Burton, a  Engineering major at Southern.  "It was for a good cause.  So I gave somebody in the jail $5 towards their bail," he said.

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